We’d like to extend a huge thank you to everyone involved in making the California Winter Tour 2015 a great success!!! Big up Pure Anywear and DJ Treez in Nevada City; Selecta 7, DJ Crooks, Courtesy, Qbwoy and the Culture Clash fam in Los Angeles; DJ Delucho in Santa Cruz; Sep and the Dub Mission crew in SF, the whole Free UP Clothing fam and Chico State University for having us and of course our Humboldt family, SHC and Royal Roots Clothing, for always supporting so tufff!!!! Triple Crown and I had a blast reppin’ Loud City and Blessed Coast with the Cali massive! Nothin’ but forwards and positive feedback through and through!!
We can’t wait to do it again so look out for us this summer, 2015 as we hit the road on tour to promote my debut album, scheduled to release this spring!
As always, to book Bobby Hustle contact: BobbyHustleBooking@gmail.com